Spectroscopy and concentration quenching of the infrared emissions in Tm-doped TeO2-TiO2- Nb2O5 glass


  • Rolindes Balda
  • Joaquín Fernández
  • Sara García-Revilla
  • Jose M. Fernández
  • Aiko Narazaki
  • Katsuhisa Tanaka
  • Kazuyuki Hirao
  • Naohiro Soga

In this work, we report the optical properties of Tm ions in tellurite glasses (TeO2-TiO2-Nb2O5) for different Tm 3+ concentrations ranging between 0.05 and 1 wt%. Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters have been determined to calculate the radiative transition probabilities and radiative lifetimes of excited states. The stimulated emission cross-sections of the infrared emissions at 1487 nm and 1800 nm have been determined from the line shape of the emission spectra and the lifetimes of levels H4 and F4 respectively. The emission spectra obtained under 793 nm excitation reveal the existence of energy transfer via cross-relaxation among Tm ions. As a result, the intensity of the infrared H4→F4 emission at 1487 nm decreases in relation to the one at 1800 nm, as concentration increases. The nonexponential character of the decays from the H4 level with increasing concentration indicates the presence of a dipole-dipole quenching process assisted by energy migration. The self-quenching of the F4→H6 emission at 1800 nm can be attributed to limited diffusion within the active centers. ©2007 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (140.3380) Laser Materials; (160.5690) Rare earth doped materials; (300.6280) Spectroscopy, fluorescence and luminescence References and links 1. J.Y. Allain, M. Monerie, H. Poignant, “Tunable cw lasing around 0.82, 1.48, 1.88, and 2.35 μm in thulium doped fluorozirconate fiber,” Electron. Lett. 25, 1660-1662 (1989). 2. S. Tanabe, X.Feng, T. Hanada, “Improved emission of Tm-doped glass for a 1.4 μm amplifier by radiative energy transfer between Tm and Nd, Opt. Lett. 25, 817-819 (2000). 3. J. Wu, Z. Yao, J. Zong, and S. Jiang, “Highly efficient high-power thulium-doped germanate glass fiber laser,” Opt. Lett. 32, 638-640 (2007). 4. J.S. Wang, E.M. Vogel, and E. Snitzer, “Tellurite glass: a new candidate for fiber devices,” Opt. Mater. 3, 187-203 (1994). 5. R.A.H. 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